Moose Hunt Pricing
We cover Zones 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6:
Bull week #1 Sept 21 – September 28, 2025 (Peak Rut)
Bull week #2 Oct 12 – Oct 19, 2025 (Post Peak Rut)
​Bull Moose hunts $ 5800 per Hunt
Bull Moose Out post Camp Zone 1 $6800 per Hunt
Cow week Oct 26 – Nov 2, 2025
Cow Moose hunts $3900 per Hunt
Cow Moose Out post Camp Zone 1 $4900 per Hunt
Non-hunting guests $1000 per person at the lodge
Non-hunting observer $1300 per person at the lodge
Out post Extra guests $1800 per person.
Pick up from Presque Isle Airport $200 (covers round trip to lodge)
Out Post Hunt pick up from Presque Isle Airport $300 (covers round trip to out post camp)
**Pricing subject to change without notice and applicable Maine taxes will be applied to hunts**

A 30% Deposit at the time of booking to guarantee your reservation. (NON-REFUNDABLE)
Balance due 30 days before the hunt.
ALL HUNTS Cancellation Policy:
Reservation Deposit made are NON-REFUNDABLE
Fall Hunts and accommodations are NON-REFUNDABLE
Professional Guide knowledgeable of your zone and moose behavior
First Class Accommodations from Sunday to Sunday
Canvas Guide Tents with cots (Out post hunts ONLY)
Bed linens & Bathroom linens (Lodge stay Clients)
All transportation during your hunt
Home-cooked meals (Sunday evening to Sunday morning)
Range to site in your weapon of choice
Retrieval of you moose (we quarter in the field)
Transportation to processer, tagging station & taxidermist
Wash/Dryer for personal use (Lodge stay Clients)
Ample secure parking for trucks and trailers
**Any Gate Fees into Northern Maine Woods ($15 non-resident per day and $11 per day for resident of Maine)**
Gratuities (15-20% is customary)
Meat Processing Fees
Taxidermy Fees
Fire Arms/Ammo or Bow & Arrows
Comfortable footwear (hunting boots and tall waterproof boots)
Sent blocker hunting gear
Blaze orange (in conjunction with hunting laws)
A mixture of layers depending on the weather here in Maine
Extra ammo or arrows & hunting tips
Hunting License
Spare glasses/contracts if you have them
Hat and gloves (weather dependent)
Sleeping bag and pillow (Out post hunts only)
Slippers for use at the lodge

Dead North Adventures trophy Maine moose hunts are a hunt of a lifetime where our clients can expect quality service, and we know how to fulfill this coveted once-in-a-lifetime hunt.
Maine is lucky enough to be one of the few states with an abundant moose population. Maine state biologists estimate the Maine moose population to be around 75,000. This is the largest concentration of moose in the country besides Alaska. No wonder Maine is now one of the top moose-hunting destinations in the United States. A mature bull moose can weigh around 1,000 pounds or more, and their antlers can span an average of 6’.
Dead North Adventures works exclusively with Rustic Retreat Lodge, and they are fortunate enough to be located on the edge of Zones 3 & 6 in Aroostook County, some of the highest populated moose areas in the State of Maine.
Enter the Maine Moose Hunting Lottery to have a chance at one of the most sought-after hunts in the United States, and let Dead North Adventures be your choice to guide you on this hunt!!
Please feel free to call Dead North Adventures if you need assistance in picking your zones or help with any Maine Moose Lottery Information
-You are eligible to apply for the Maine Moose Lottery if:
You are eligible to obtain a Maine Big Game Hunting License, or will be eligible to obtain a Maine Big Game Hunting License by the opening day of the Maine Moose Hunting Season
-No person may submit more than one application. Any person submitting more than one application will be disqualified.
Let Dead North Adventures be your choice of guiding you on this fantastic hunt!!
When applying to the Maine Moose lottery we suggest that you put in the zones as follows: 3, 6,2,5,1, 8, 9, 14, 10, 11
Moose Lodge Tag Available for 2025 - Please Call 207-930-5935

Client from South Dakota Guided by Matt B. First week 2024
Online Application
Applications from April 1, 2025 to May 16, 2025
Maine residents may, by one chance, for $15.00
Non-Maine residents can purchase the following:
One chance for $15.00 (or bonus point, see DIFW link above for information)
Three chances for $25.00
Six chances for $35.00
Ten chances for $55.00
Non-Maine residents may also purchase multiple of ten chances for $55.00 each.
** Nonresidents may purchase multiples of 10 chances at $55.00 each.
Example: 5 multiples of 10 chances would cost $275.00 (5 x $55.00 = $275.00)
If selected for a Maine Moose Hunting Permit, residents and non-Maine residents must pay a Moose permit fee of:
$52.00 Maine resident
$585.00 Non-Maine resident / Non-resident big game license also apply $114.00
Winners of the Maine Moose hunting lottery have over 21,000 square miles of territory to hunt. However, the area is broken down into Wildlife Management Districts, otherwise known as WMDs, with specified moose hunting dates.
The Moose lottery drawing will take place June 10, 2023, in Augusta, Maine. The state issued under 4,000 permits in 2021. More than 3,600 went to Maine residents, which is about one permit for every 13 applicants. 321 permits went to non-residents, which is about one permit for every 73 applicants. We wish everyone the best of luck in the lottery drawing!!
For the Maine moose season, permit holders will be able to hunt (Dead North Adventures Guides in the WMDs that are in bold/italic):
September 21th – September 28th, 2025, in WMD’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, and 19
October 12th – October 19th, 2025, in WMD’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 27, and 28
October 26rd- November 2, 2025, in WMDs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8.
The zones we hunt have the following breakdown for permits:
Zone 2 (Total 525 Permits)
Bull Week 1 – 175 Permits
Bull Week 2 – 175 Permits
Cow Week – 175 Permits
Zone 3 (Total 325 Permits):
Bull Week 1 – 100 Permits
Bull Week 2 – 100 Permits
Cow Week – 125 Permits
Zone 5 (Total 375 Permits):
Bull Week 1 – 125 Permits
Bull Week 2 – 125 Permits
Cow Week – 125 Permits
Zone 6 (Total 260 Permits):
Bull Week 1 – 100 Permits
Bull Week 2 – 100 Permits
Cow Week – 60 Permits
Complete Wildlife Management District maps (WMD maps) are available through links on the Moose Hunting Permits page of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife website (link above).

Cow Week 2024 Clients from Mass.
Northern Maine offers a three-part Moose hunting season
Dead North Adventures: The first season occurs in late September when the moose rut is just beginning, and the bulls become responsive to calling. This offers a captivating approach to hunting our majestic Maine Moose.
The second season occurs in early October when the fall colors reach their peak, and the Maine Moose rut is winding down. Even during this time, trophy bulls continue to respond to calling, engaging in a heavy feeding pattern to regain the weight lost during the rut.
Moving into the third season, our Maine Moose return to their feeding areas later in October, and calling becomes less frequent compared to the first and second seasons. Spot and stalk hunts became the preferred method for harvesting a trophy Maine Moose during this period.
Preceding your Maine Moose hunting season, Dead North Adventures invests countless hours in scouting, ensuring our clients the opportunity for a once-in-a-lifetime trophy Moose hunt.
Dead North Adventures has the tools and expertise to efficiently transport your trophy Maine Moose from the Northern Maine woods to a top-notch processing facility.
Dead North Adventures proudly presents Trophy Maine Moose Hunts in WMD Districts 2, 3, 5, and 6 from our lodge.
At Dead North Adventures, our commitment is to provide our clients with an adventure of a lifetime, allowing them to experience the essence of Northern Maine truly.